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James Stewart Compound Alive remake V2 by TwizardT

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This track has been downloaded 1043 times

Uploaded: Friday, November 06, 2015 - 09:04 pm

Type: Free Ride

here it is, the 2nd version of the alive remake of the JS7 Compound. i got a lot done on the track and i think im at a stage where i only need to worry about objects and environment and such (if im wrong feel free to tell me)

Better Textures
sx north done
sx south done
fixed shadowmap



Track Comments

PrevenX - November 06, 2015 - 09:37 pm
In needs a LOT of work tho.

There was actually a JS Compound and it was amazing, that Compound was rlly on spot and feel almost same like in Alive but this trac feels nah.
No hate but in needs a loooot of work :)

deface_LV - November 06, 2015 - 11:58 pm
pretty solid, just feel the scaling on the supercross tracks are a little too big. Especially the red clay sx. {:

sinab62 - November 07, 2015 - 04:19 am
boner nipples 69/10

TwizardT - November 07, 2015 - 03:32 pm
@PrevenX Yes there was a JS compound, but it was ripped of the mx simulator version. I now it doesn't feel the exact same, and it never will (by mx vs atv alive remake i meant that the layout of the tracks are like the alive one and not the real life one) but please instead of saying, it needs a lot of work tel me what i should change how and why :)

@deface_LV thanks! i'll try to scale it down some

@Sinab62 Thanks!

funkychicken - November 08, 2015 - 01:39 am
I agree with both deface_LV and sinab62. The track is turning out great, the textures are good (I really like the nationals one for some reason), and I love how it rides. the track is wonderful and I can't wait to see the finished product.
One thing that I really need to point out though, I don't know if I'm just not riding it right, but in the first corner on the sand SX (I didn't know which one was the south or north since I never really paid attention in Alive), I'm pretty sure there was a double right behind it. I don't really know if that describes it well enough for you, but that is the only problem I noticed on the sand SX and I felt it needed to be adjusted if it could be. The red clay one is pretty good and like I said, I cant wait to see the final product as the beta looks great to me.
Good luck and sorry for a long review that described one mistake.

TwizardT - November 08, 2015 - 12:15 pm
@Funkychicken Thanks! and for the mistake in the sand (north) SX. I mad it by using this video and there it doesn't have a double behind the corner, just a flat track. if you still think i should make a double, im fine with that :)

Walter_A - November 23, 2015 - 06:51 am
You are far from done. this looks nothing like the alive version. i remember some jumps being massive, i remember a massive double that you whip into the next direction of the track. (transfer). i remember some massive tables you stretch out, i remember some massive step ups that would huck you up. Go watch a youtube video or play the game. the SX track doesnt flow, seems off. I remember it being differently. if you add some ruts to the national track along with the correct jumps and the physics to this game and youll have one awesome track, honestly try to make it as close as as mx alive was and itll be so dope man.

sebastion - December 08, 2015 - 12:53 am
It doesnt go to my xbox360

aDnthony - January 05, 2016 - 10:52 am
im a really big fan of alive and thats why i love this track sooo much. like everything is so perfect about it and cant wait for the actual track release with everything added in because its the little things that still need to be messed with but wether than that i love this track :)
oh and also the supercross track is like impossible lol :/

Ben2015 - August 22, 2016 - 12:19 am