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2016 AMA Supercross - Round 8 - Atlanta by HurrenMX

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This track has been downloaded 1694 times

Uploaded: Monday, May 16, 2016 - 10:24 pm

Type: Supercross

This is the Replica for the 2016 Atlanta Supercross track (obviously), the layout is based off the real life race, not the track map.

Gotta give a big 1.5L measurement cup-sized thank you to *STS* Ds19 for all of the hard work that he also put into this track (object placement + customs, placing

kidzorro's custom-made bales/gate/finish, and splines)

Public Service Announcement to the Reflex Community/players: I think it's safe to say that all of the track makers and I agree that putting in all of the time/hard

work into these tracks is often not recognized by a large portion of the community. Countless hours/weeks/even months of our own spare time goes into making these

tracks for you guys, without earning any profit other than the GOOD feedback and downloads, "the track creators decide what the track is going to be like, players have

to deal with it.. I don't care about your feedback/opinion until you pay me for making these tracks" -wise words from my good friend, Veikkeli. A lot of you guys are

grateful and appreciative towards us, but this is for the large amount that is not, commenting stuff like...

"the ruts don't grab you well, they need improvement"
"the scaling is bad"
"the track is too wide"
"TOO MANY WEEDS BORDERING THE TRACK" -on a track meant to have an overgrown feel to it -_-
"track is too tight"
"track is too hard"
"the whoops are a tad too big"

People will upload their BETA version of their track, and may be looking for feedback on improvements/how players like it, but when a track is uploaded in a final

state, the creater is NOT going to reupload their track over something you want changed,

Track Reviews

hurrenmx2 - May 16, 2016 - 10:25 pm

TheC4Detonator - May 16, 2016 - 10:31 pm
^^^ 100%. Awesome track, amazing replica Hurren

STSHurrenMX - May 16, 2016 - 10:34 pm
unfortunately, the entire description can't be shown because it's too long, but people obviously have their own opinion and of course there is a comments section for a reason, but those comments need to be said in a more polite manner, enjoy(:

gary664 - May 16, 2016 - 10:49 pm
Real fun track man. Great work. Also, love the PSA, well said.

Tomgmx44rmz450 - May 16, 2016 - 11:49 pm
Sick track. REALLY appreciate the time you put in. Fast lap so far 50.13

CP757 - May 17, 2016 - 12:07 am
9 weeks later but can't wait to check it out

Nickkras718 - May 17, 2016 - 01:52 am
Really like the track, I think the wall is pretty sweet.

empire - May 17, 2016 - 03:51 am
I really like the size of the gaps - not having to scrub the triple is nice. Love the sand section, the inside ruts, the wall...pretty much everything actually...

- May 17, 2016 - 06:07 am
Really nice guys :) Those bales are super cool and detailed. (mine look like a high schooler made them and his look like a professional did them) haha I like riding this track. In order to hit these lines you have to be smooth and keep your speed up which is hard for a full lap and all those bales. Awesome things happen when people join together. I can't wait to see the next one hurrenmx.

redrider197 - May 17, 2016 - 06:09 am
hmm, nice glitch I wrote the text above ^^^^^^^^ and didn't know I had been signed out when I hit enter. :/ I guess I can submit more than ONE review haha.

tylyn72 - May 17, 2016 - 09:05 am
First of all thanks for making the track!

love the track man very well made and also challenging a good track for online racing it will keep you on your toes for sure ive put in a crazy amount of laps and i really enjoy that inside right before the roller! all in all man loving the track

heres a quick vid i made showing ya some love man thanks again for making tracks for us.

Vlad - May 17, 2016 - 11:32 am
So Great, thanks man!

sam187thedominican - May 17, 2016 - 12:43 pm
Man thank you very much for you hard work, is true most of the players just download the tracks and dont give any feedback which is not good to your encouragement to continuing making tracks, because of that i am always afraid that guys like you stop doing this kind amazing job.

what i think about this is if you and all the main ones can provide a link for donations it will be a good idea , i think that will give you some more motivation to continue.

this track is awesome very very profesional and that deserve not just a comment or feedback.

if anyone here is agree with me please support my idea and let put together, i dont want reflex to end.

My name is Milton I am from dominican republic.

Love MX life.

Promonster73 - May 17, 2016 - 04:39 pm
Great work bro, keep it up!

AndyKilledYou - May 19, 2016 - 04:59 pm
Good bits
whoops - challenging
triple - hard to over jump, easy to come up short
finish - same as triple
bad bits
hard to overtake, other than whoops and wall, the fast line is easy to hit but not at the same time as anyone else

rsmithdrift - May 20, 2016 - 06:33 am
What's with the generation of crybabies who cant even handle constructive criticism. Like seriously grow the fuck up. LMFAO. If we were too sensitive to handle constructive criticism we would still be in the dark ages. We sure as fuck wouldnt have dirt bikes because I'm damn sure it took several evolutions of bike design along with incorporation of countless other designs that all came to be out of an idea and constructive criticism of said idea till it became something that worked that all lead to us having a dirt bike. What if the first bikes with the giant front wheel were left alone because "omg dont criticize it or it might make my ego hurt". We sure as fuck wouldnt have mx or computers or anything else we enjoy for that matter. Grow the fuck up. Learn from your mistakes. Dont egotystically declare everything you do as perfect and your opinions the only one that matters. Learn to filter the constructive criticism from the complainers who dont know shit and just want something to bitch about. BTW your track scaling is insane, but it's challenging and that makes it fun. Just not realistic or accurate which is what a replica is supposed to be. Oh and that sand jump after the rutted sand turn, it's much bigger and steeper than that. That's not an opinion either. It's just a fact. And I know it wont change anything by stating it but I dont care. FYI I have dedicated basically 100% of my freetime the last 5 years to improving rfactors physics for mods and make a model that can be implimented to any prior existing mods of that car and any future ones. Some people dislike how realistic it is. That's fine, I dont care. People who do like it still critisize some areas where it's not perfect yet. It actually helps me to find the real problems and solve them. IT"S CONSTRUCTIVE!!! But I guess it's only spoiled immature punk ass kids who care about games/sims enough to start making content for them for the most part so go figure that constructive criticism is the most offensive thing on the planet in this scene. And no IDGAF and I have no chill whatsoever. To put things in you young pricks new language cause your so fucking mellinial that you have to create your own words because being unique is more important than being understood now. And just so it's clear I agree that it's alot of hard work to do for free since I do it myself also. But your doing it for yourself or you wouldnt have ever done it. And that's no excuse for immaturity either. Jesus christ this is what happens when we give trophies for 8th fucking place. Fucking spoiled rotten ass babies.

- May 20, 2016 - 12:47 pm
^^^^ hey dumbass, you clearly misread, i never said i could never take criticism, i said SOME people need to be a little more grateful for all the FREE shit the creators provide on here. if i never read the criticism or learned from my mistakes, my tracks would never get better, and judging from the feedback this track its clearly better than my first tracks, if people have suggestions i consider them, but when ignorant little shits like you bitch because the creator didnt make some little part of the track the way YOU like it, they get butthurt. and from what i see, you dont even have a single thing uploaded on here. if you can make a better replica, go ahead bud. do you really think that the point i was trying to make was to stop negative comments? no my point was that some people need some more respect for those whole put a lot of time and hard work into stuff that you can have fun on. clearly you missed the point. if anyone needs to grow up here, its your butthurt ass.

wrathchildjunk - May 21, 2016 - 06:54 pm
I nearly believed no one is dropping a continuation for the 2016 AMA SX tracks anymore. Big surprise and finally here we go again :)

This track is really nice, a little rough at some spots maybe, but I pretty like it like that. Should be no problem for us, cause we don't wanna ride Moto-GP, we wanna ride Supercross and SX is rough for real ;)

Good job done!

xobandm40 - May 22, 2016 - 11:27 am
i love it

JioVunny - May 23, 2016 - 11:50 am
Well.. i feel sorry to say this but i !KIND OF! agree with rsmithdrift. Just to make some things clear..i am not the kind of guy to come here and comment anything like the comments in your description...i fully respect track creators i know how much effort and time they put in to make these i am starting to make my own, as a complete amateur, it has taken me like 3 weeks now not working on my actual track but learning how to use all the programms.. and i have no idea when it will be finished and if it will be finished at all cause of time issues. So anyway...this has led me to meet quite a few track creators.. cause i had so many questions in my head. Anyway generally i have noticed that most of them.. EASILY snap...and get upset and mad sometimes with the slightest and least possible negative comment you will give them about their track. So it is NOT all about these specific comments you have in the description.. You guys mostly deny all kinds of ideas someone might have about your track. It is quite the...grow up thing. Learn how to accept things.. this is life and there will always be people like that. Stop crying and getting butthurt so easily. This is childish. The world out off your pc screen is not nice and will give you a lot less respect and a lot more criticism than those impudent people coming here to leave their foolish reviews. You guys got it completely wrong. YOU are the ones who have to deal with it unfortunately! This is something you need to consider before starting to do anything in your life including track making. Just remember that i fully understand your position and generally the situation. I fully admire and respect track creators but i really had to make my point here. If you further want to descuss this or feel the urge to give me your opinion cause I've said something you don't agree with or don't like.. I am open minded and willing to hear to anything. Steam: JioFunny

disbanded - May 26, 2016 - 11:39 pm
Nobody gives a shit.

TaiEA - May 30, 2016 - 02:44 pm
amazing track

deathrider365 - June 12, 2016 - 04:58 pm
I like this Track, because it is made very well. can you make the Las Vegas Track? With all the ruts and the mud? That would be very nice.

tyronbeverley - June 22, 2016 - 08:52 pm
awesome track, you track makers really deserve respect and you guys make the game so enjoyable for the whole community, thanks for the content.

tomothy199 - June 26, 2016 - 10:16 am
awesome!!! 10/10

usameo - February 18, 2018 - 02:21 pm
i am having some issues with loading the track, as soon as i pick slot 8 the game crashes, can someone help me. if you can please send help to my email.